Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Vampire Diaries Tonight

Sara Canning TVD Vamped by Yours Truly
Can't wait to see what is going to be cooked up in tonight's episode! First, we will finally meet the real Klaus (Joseph Morgan) and then we may even meet Greta!! Sister to warlock, Luka!!
I'm looking forward to the fight between Stefan and Damon. I'm wondering what is going down with them two brothers who have fallen in love with one beautiful and smart teenager, Elena Gilbert! And the preview of Jenna "possibly" finding out about vampires in Mystic Falls! I, for one, would like the season finale shock to be.... Jenna is a vampire! Puaahhahahaha *evil-laugh* But she doesn't know it because she turned into a vampire but then was given some kind of spell/magic/potion/lotion many years ago!! A night that she took too much drugs to remember. Well, I can still hope that it would happen that way! I mean, TVD has so many twists and turns and shocks that I won't be surprise if Jenna was a vampire herself!!

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