Friday, May 20, 2011

Dieter's Tea

I'm going to give this a try. Dieter's Tea. Tea that makes your stomach want to all hang out through the back door. I just took one cup of the Slim Beauty Brand Dieter's Tea. A co-worker gave me two tea bags to try out. Especially after last weekend's food galore over my sister's baby shower and my friend's graduation and last night's Mexican dinner? I definitely need this to get me back where I was a year ago.
There's always pros and cons to using Dieter's Tea. Well, there's more cons than pros. Pros will be losing some weight... up to twenty pounds in two months without trying to exercise or go on some drastic diet. The cons, it'll tear up your system! And that's enough to not want anyone to use this full time.
I'm going to use it this weekend and "see" how it goes. I won't be using it daily as it'll give you the runs usually four to five hours after you finished your tea. That means, in the middle of the night, I'll be crying "Momma!". I'll have the runs as well as abdominal pain that are like cramps so this is just the weekend trial. Can't be doing it during work week!
Other cons, overtime drinking this daily, will cause liver damage, dehydration and detox even the best of the shit out of our system which means we will lose most of the nutrients and vitamins that our body needs.

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