Sunday, August 21, 2011

I've been M.I.A.! So much has been going on!

I've been slacking off because I finally joined Facebook! HA! So I've been busy liking people and commenting on friends and families' posts and messages!
My favorite celebrity couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are still traveling around the world.  Just on Friday, Angelina met up with the President of Croatia, Ivo Josipvic, to discuss the land mine problems that still remains since the war in 1990.  She brought along her son Maddox to Croatia during this trip and the next day, they both jetted off again.
On Tuesday, August 16th, Brad, Angelina and all six of their children chartered a train with the rest of the film crew of WWZ from London to Glasgow, Scotland where part of the city will turn into Philadelphia for the filming of WWZ. To read more of Angelina and Brad, I always go to my favorite celebrity site,!

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