Wednesday, January 25, 2012

New Year, New Diet.... AGAIN!

I'm back on that wagon again. Don't know how well I'm going to do this time and I am not going to make anymore promises.  All I know is that I've joined Fitness Pal and have a few friends to join. Hopefully, that will motivate us to get in shape and lose some weight.  My coworkers are also on the bandwagon so more motivation?  We even have a little chart of how far we're moving along with our weight loss.
Well, I've started off with 159.4 January 9th 2012.  As of this morning, January 25th, I'm 154.4.  I was 151.00 on Sunday but came to the realization that my sister's weight scale is off by at least two pounds, maybe three. So I'm not going to trust any other scale but mine. Though mine is a lot older than my sister so perhaps, her's is more accurate?  Either way, I haven't lost that much. Five pounds in three weeks! That is so weak!
Must. Go. Harder. For. Body. Like. Nicole.
I'll see how well I do come Monday, January 30th.  We track our weight every week at work. However, I like to weigh myself each morning to see how hard I need to try for the day.
And also, I've joined a gym about a year ago.... And that's all I'm going to say about it.

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