Thursday, March 7, 2013

Angelina Jolie a Demon?

Yes, from the words of Chelsea Handler! Hahahaha... Chelsea use to be funny until she starts talking crap about other women and Angelina Jolie.  I no longer find her funny or humorous. Her last attempt to be relevant is by calling Angelina a demon.  A demon?  Little Loose Chelsea, do you know what a demon is?  Look in the mirror and you shall see.  At least, Angelina doesn't go yapping her mouth talking trash about other people so she can look better.  Seriously, if you are supportive of other women as you claim to be, you wouldn't be talking crap about other women.  Can you move on and stop holding a grudge at someone you don't even know personally?  Because Jennifer Aniston has.  You're not only sad but really disgustingly pathetic to talk about Angelina Jolie to stay relevant in the media. But then again, Chelsea is probably pissed at Angelina Jolie because she never wanted to come on her stupid show. Chelsea is no saint cause she slept her way through men to get herself a show on E.  Now that is pathetic.

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