Sunday, June 5, 2011

A little exercise

I did some some exercises today. I went to a different Planet Fitness in my little town and was impressed with the ladies locker room and the faucet. I would love to have this kind of faucet in my bathroom.
But enough about that, I am still fat and I hate myself. 159. WTF? I ate a Hardee's low carb Bacon Cheeseburger and was so disappointed in it. For 4.19, it should had more meat or lettuce or bacon. I'm so mad.
I messed up my back again Friday. I couldn't sit still. I had to do so much cleaning and chores around the house. When I was done, the pain finally kicked in and screw me over! I quickly took  my pain killers and muscle relaxer to ease the pain.
I didn't eat an appealing dinner tonight either. Fried eggs, celery sticks with peanut butter and jalapeƱo peppers. I'm sick thinking about that nasty dinner.
4.19 Hardee's Bacon Cheeseburger
I'm sure tired from my medication, I think I am going to crash early tonight. Need my sleep.

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