Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Not doing a good job with the exercise....

I tore my back in half on Monday. Well, not literally but helping my friend turn her mattress. She didn't want to wait for her boyfriend... "I don't need a man..." she said. Well, I surely needed her boyfriend that day. HA! Anyway, we both tried to turn the mattress. After five or six tries, I stood up and thought how the hell we are going to get it done. Next thing I knew, a pain shot through my back like a knife. It was still painful that lasted for a long time. The next morning, I called my doctor and couldn't go meet our fitness trainer for our initial meeting. I was fine with that. It means, no working out cause I did dread going to meet up with my friend and her fitness trainer.
Anyhow, I seriously need to lose Fatso before I get my breasts reduction. I have till July 28th to lose at least 15 pounds. I can do it, if I just put my mind to it! But that's my story. I am 160.2 this morning. So different when I first started the diet and exercise plan two months ago when I was only 156.
Also this weekend, I went to a tanning bed for the first time since joining Planet Fitness and... I got burnt! I didn't know the tanning bed will tan THAT fast! I was there for fifteen minutes because that was the max. I figured since the girl that works there takes a long time to just get a light tan, maybe it'll take me four or five sessions to get my tan. Wrong! Only fifteen minutes! And my sides didn't get tan! So I look like a horizontal oreo cookie now! But to top it off! I had a shape of a paper towel on my side and hip because I forgot where I put the piece of paper towel! I was going to use it on the head rest! Instead, it attached itself to my hips! Now I have this weird spot on the back of my right hip!
Well, I will live and learn from this. Tanning beds do burn fast and do not hold on to any piece of paper towels.

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