Sunday, February 18, 2018

Dry Fasting... Day 2 Completed! 24 hours to go!

I made it through another 24 hours with no food or water! 
Below is my schedule and routine/habits, etc.
Last night's weight - 149.6 (67.86 kg). 

Sunday, February 18, 2018
  • 01:19 AM - Stomach growling
  • 02:07 AM - Met Pete. Only 1/2 of my usual meeting.
  • 02:21 AM - Stomach growling louder than ever before and making weird sounds too.
  • 04:20 AM - Met Pete. 1/4.
  • 04:23 AM - Turning off lights... shutting my eye.
  • 10:23 AM - Woke up earlier than planned. 😫
  • 11:41 AM - Met Pete. 1/2. Getting more darker.
  • 11:44 AM - Weighed myself. 148.2 (67.22 kg)
  • 11:50 AM - Came back to bed. Surfing the net.
  • 04:18 PM - Met Pete. 3/4. Darker now.
  • 04:20 PM - Weighed myself. 147.2 (66.77 kg). Stomach growling but don't feel hungry.
  • 05:15 PM - Back to sleep so I won't think about food.
  • 06:11 PM - Nope. Never fell asleep. Kept thinking about the food I want to eat when I'm done with this DF.
  • 08:24 PM - Put up my laundry and was very exhausted from it. Need to meditate and lie down.
  • 09:00 PM - Met Pete. 1/4. No longer dark.
  • 09:03 PM - Weighed myself. 146.8 (66.59 kg)
  • 10:43 PM - Two more minutes!! Feel hungry, but stomach hasn't growled in six hours.
  • 10:45 PM - I've now dry fasted for 48 hours! So proud of myself but weak to get excited.
  • 11:15 PM - Met Pete. 1/4. Light in color.
  • 11:17 PM - Weighed myself. 146.6 (66.50 kg). 

Total lost today:  3 pounds (1.36 kg).
Today, I felt much weaker. I didn't want to do anything strenuous, like putting up my laundry in the closet. It's not strenuous but my body told me it was. After the laundry, I laid down and felt better. Again, I'm watching YouTube and all the delicious food I could be eating. I'm now thinking about my bottle of coconut water in the fridge that I will drink at 10:45 PM tomorrow night! Thinking about it makes me so giggling inside. 😁

I'll stay up a little bit longer to watch more food videos. But two days down and one more to go!

Until then...

23 hours and 13 minutes left

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