Saturday, February 17, 2018

Dry Fasting... Day 1 Completed! 48 hours to go!

I made it! 24 hours with no food or water, except washing my hands when I used the bathroom or touched anything I felt was not hygienic. 😀
Below is my schedule and routine/habits, etc.
Last night's weight 152.2 pounds (69.04 kg) before going to bed.

Saturday, February 17, 2018
  • 04:00 AM - Slept sometime after that. I'm a nocturnal monster.
  • 11:47 AM - Met Pete, but went back to bed. Though I didn't sleep.
  • 02:48 PM - Still in bed on my phone. Surfing the net. My teeth feels weird not being brushed when I woke up. Do not feel hungry at all.
  • 03:18 PM - Up now and my stomach is hungry. Maybe not but feel that I should be.
  • 03:22 PM - Met Pete again... Pete is a name I use for urine break. Jon is bowel movement break. 😏
  • 03:25 PM - Weighed myself... 149.6 lbs (67.86 kg)! Down 2.6 pounds from last night.
  • 03:47 PM - Finished 12 minutes of arm workout How To Lose Arm Fat. I felt jittery afterwards. Do not attempt to workout when you are Dry Fasting, especially a newbie. I thought I could get my workout in because it's only Day 1, but it still took its toll. 
  • 03:50 PM - Watching "The Cloverfield Paradox" on Netflix to keep my mind off hunger.
  • 03:55 PM - That didn't last long. My stomach is growling. Want to sip on water. Not use to not having a drink when I wake up. Put on Chapstick (medicated) so my lips will not be dry, and perhaps, thirst won't be lingering around.
  • 05:03 PM - I feel hungry even though my stomach isn't growling.
  • 05:27 PM - Trying not to think of food while finishing the movie. Not helping.
  • 05:36 PM - Just 5 more hours and it'll be 24 hours of dry fasting. Just... five... more... hours...
  • 06:52 PM - Only 4 hours.
  • 07:01 PM - Stomach is growling again for food. And realized I haven't met Pete since 3:22. Went to see him. He was kind and normal but have not seen Jon since 11:50 PM last night. And I usually see him at least once a day, if not twice.
  • 07:12 PM - Thinking if I should go back to sleep.... but I didn't. The rest of the evening, I continued watching YouTube... of food. Pizza, ice cream... 😩 Torturing myself slowly.
  • 10:11 PM - I noticed my stomach wasn't growling anymore. Not sure when it stopped. Probably so tired from growling it quit.
  • 10:45 PM - 24 hours of Dry Fasting completed for Day 1! 
  • 10:57 PM - Met Pete. Color is darker and the odor is more noticeable. 
  • 10:59 PM - Weighed myself. 149.6 (67.86 kg). 
Total lost today:  2.6 pounds (1.18 kg).
So far, I feel fine. I was hungry earlier but feeling better now. The only downside to this is not showering. I'm one who showers daily, every night. So it's tough! But to be honest, I have been wiping my ass with wipes after using the bathroom. I can't keep the stank down there every night, especially 3 days?!? 😝 Can't. Just can't. Anyway, I will stay up a little bit longer and then head to bed. One day down, two more to go!

Until then...

47 hours and 13 minutes to go.

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