Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Post Dry Fasting... Day 4

I cut it short yesterday because I was so tired and sleepy from taking my sleeping pill. That was the first time I slept like a log in a long time. I suffer insomnia so it takes me a few hours to fall asleep. And if I wake up to use the bathroom or if I toss and turn on my bed, I will have a hard time falling asleep again. So for the 3 Dry Fasting days, I did not take Unisom sleeping pill until last night. Probably one of the greatest sleep I had in so long. On the weekends, I try not to take the pills, and I'll end up with only four or five hours of sleep. If I'm trying to lose weight, we must need a lot of sleep for the body to grow and repair itself, they say.

Anyway, back to my Post Dry Fasting Day 1.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018
  • 08:55 AM - Alarm goes off. Going back to work. Stretched as much as I could. Felt a slight headache, but it wasn't bothersome.
  • 09:00 AM - Met Pete. A full meeting.
  • 09:12 AM - Weighed myself 146.0 lbs (66.22 kg). 
  • 09:35 AM - After getting dress and ready to leave the house, I drank 4 oz. of water.
  • 11:45 AM - Got my 20 oz. coffee with half-n-half and 5 packs of Splenda. Ordered Allulose from Amazon the other day so I'll be using it as sugar substitute instead of Splenda or Stevia. I don't like the aftertaste of Stevia. Found out Allulose doesn't raise sugar level from this YouTube video at 4:19 Low Carb Sweeteners
  • 11:50 AM - Ate lunch from Moe's. A no-shell taco with ground beef, jalapenos, onions, cheese, sour cream, lettuce, olives, cilantro, and Carolina Reaper sauce. Also had a boiled egg. Ate two tortilla chips. Threw the other away. The taco was very satisfying. Felt better by now with no headaches.
  • 01:41 PM - Met Jon. What I ate for lunch came out. 😒 And it wasn't a solid meeting either, if you know what I mean. But I was very glad to see him though.
  • 05:15 PM - Snacked on coconut chips.
  • 05:45 PM - Had dinner. 3 spare ribs. Tried to eat very slow cause I made a commitment to never eat like Cookie Monster again.  I was going to eat the 4th spare ribs, but my stomach was about to explode. I was so full. I decided to leave the last rib for tomorrow. Drank ginger lemon tea.
  • 07:11 PM - Met Jon again. This time it was a solid meeting. Seems the ribs didn't want to stay in my system either.

Total gain since last night:  1.8 pounds (0.82 kg).

I feel really good right now. It looks as though everything I ate just went through me. If that will help with my weight loss and I also get to eat whatever I want, I'm all for it! 

Sunday night, Day 2 of my Dry Fasting, I hadn't brush my teeth with water. I found plaque buildup on the lower front teeth. It was surprising to see how quickly it formed when you don't brush your teeth for a couple of days, even though you haven't eaten anything either. I used my dental tooth pick to remove the plaque. Couldn't go to sleep with that mess.

I know I will gain back some weight but I hope it won't be a lot. I'm still trying to eat a low carb diet. I'm slowly trying to go on the One Meal A Day (OMAD) plan. Only because I want to be able to eat desserts. I love cake and ice cream and cookies and brownies and even food that has sugar. 😁 

I went to Trader Joe's to get a few stuff to make Bullet Proof Coffee so I can skip lunch. I'll try to have dinner between 3 and 7 o'clock for the OMAD plan. I'll see when I'll start this plan.

Anyway, that's all for today.

Until then... 

I'm thankful.

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