Sunday, February 25, 2018

Post Dry Fasting... Day 6, 7 and 8

Been very tired and busy.

Thursday, February 22, 2018 (Day 6)
  • 01:48 AM - Turned off phone. Good night.
  • 09:15 AM - Need to stop snoozing the phone.
  • 09:25 AM - Met Pete.
  • 09:27 AM - Weighed myself 148.8 pounds ACKK! (67.49 kg)
  • 09:45 AM - Made bullet proof coffee. Used two tablespoon of Stevia. Coffee tasted better. Drank that when I got to the office at 10:25 AM. Had to call the boss that I will be late. Oops! Continued to drink water. Forgot my coconut water!
  • 03:15 PM - Met Pete.
  • 03:20 PM - Ate Quizno's chicken salad with olives, onions, pumpkin seed and cheddar cheese.
  • 04:48 PM - Finished eating and snacking (kale chips, coconut chips, Brazilian nuts).
  • 05:30 PM - Met Jon. He missed me so much he wouldn't stop yapping. 
Total gain since yesterday morning:  2.2 pounds (0.82 kg)

Friday, February 23, 2018 (Day 7)

  • 12:35 AM - Turned off phone. Good night.
  • 05:12 AM - Met Pete
  • 08:55 AM - Alarm went off. 
  • 09:05 AM - Met Pete and Jon. 
  • 09:17 AM - Weighed myself 150.6 pounds (68.31 kg)!!! OMG! 
  • 11:00 AM - Crazy morning! Forgot to bring my thermos from work yesterday so I wasn't able to make bullet proof coffee this morning. Instead, I packed butter, coconut oil, coffee, heavy cream, and stevia to work. I made a mess at my desk trying to shake the coffee. Very stressful morning! 
  • 08:48 PM - Finally was able to eat my one meal a day. Went to my sister's for ribs, kale salad, and baked chicken breast.
Total gain since yesterday morning:  1.8 pounds (0.82 kg)

Saturday, February 24, 2018 (Day 8)
  • 06:15 AM - Turned off phone. Good night. It's Friday!
  • 10:03 AM - Woke up to meet up with Pete. Went back to bed.
  • 07:31 PM - Met Jon. So nice seeing him.
  • 07:48 PM - Weighed myself 149 pounds (67.59 kg). Finally losing!
  • 07:55 PM - Reheated food and eating my OMAD.
  • 08:40 PM - Completed my dinner, 3 ribs, 3 scrambled eggs, avocado, and no sugar butter pecan ice cream.
Total loss since yesterday morning:  1.6 pounds (0.73 kg)

If you want to Dry Fasting for weight loss, do not do it! 😜 I gained all the pounds back. 
Total loss since starting Dry Fasting, Saturday, 02/17/18 - 0.6 pounds (0.27 kg)!  
Total loss since my preparation for Dry Fasting, Wednesday, 02/14/18 - 4.4 pounds (2.00 kg).

I will continue the OMAD plan with low carb meals.

I'm tired. Gonna' relax for a bit before retiring for the night.

Until then...

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