Monday, March 21, 2011

Japan 2011

Before I go for the night, I wanted to post up Josh Duhamel's Tokidoki Relief Run to help with the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. This is being held in Santa Monica, California on Sunday, March 27th at 10:00 AM.
It's always great when celebrities do something to help all the devastation around the world.  Makes me admire them so much more! Thank you, Josh, for what you're doing to help Japan! And what is sad is that I haven't donated any money yet. I don't know where or which organization I want to donate money to. I may do it through my work company because they match what we donate! I will also donate to UNICEF, which is the United Nations Children's Fund. This organization work with 190 countries around the world and their main focus are on the children. I'll be donating to help the children that are affected by the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on March 10, 2011.  I just got this one tidbit from a post on
The day when the twin towers collided was 9/11/01. The day the earthquake hit Japan was 3/10/11. Add the two dates together and you get 12/21/12, which is the day the Mayans said the world would end.
Alright, I'm off for the night.
Until then...
Be giving

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