Saturday, March 26, 2011


Woke up at 11:15 AM. It's early for me. Usually I don't wake up till after noon. I'm definitely a vampire. My mom had asked me to take her to the jewelry store this morning and so I had to wake up before noon.  I made it to her house at 12:45 PM. She did tell me to come later and 12:45 PM was still considered early for me and later for her. She was not happy regardless.
But after the jewelry store, we went to this Asian restaurant that serves Asian barbeque pork, roast duck, tripe, chitlins and some other stuff I can't identify. HA! My mom got a couple pounds of the tripe, chitlins, roast duck and barbeque pork. I should have taken some pictures of those dishes but I didn't. The foods are something that Andrew Zimmern and Anthony Bourdain may had before. I'm so glad I took my mom cause I got a chance to eat some of those. Real authentic Asian dishes for the real Asian in me.
Darn, as I'm typing this and having Ghost Adventures on TV, I am getting so sleepy. I think I may have gotten up earlier than my body was use to. I definitely will write again later. Going to take a nap at 8:43 PM EST. So. Sleepy. Need. To. Close. Vampire. Eyes. For. A. Minute.
Until then...
Be restful

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