Saturday, April 9, 2011

Should You Live With Your Partner Before Getting Married?

We had a big discussion at work today. No, it was not in a meeting. It was our morning discussion. One co-worker don't want to live with her boyfriend until they marry. I told her, she needs to make sure they do get along domestically before getting married because divorces are much harder than just picking up and leaving when you're not married. Unless you two bought a house together then that is a little bit more complicated.
Her explanation is having that living experience together as a married couple. I believe in that but probably fifty years ago. These days people are divorcing left and right. Well, I also read that those that do live together first were also divorcing even after marriage. I think marriage is just dangerous! HA!
But weddings are so beautiful to attend! I should give more hope to this mind set of not living together until after marriage. My niece and her husband weren't living together until they got married. Their marriage is going well. But then again, they both have Christ in their life to help them. So I guess that will only help if you value Christ in your life and keep it as your top priority. So it works for those and it doesn't. But pertaining to my co-worker, I hope her marriage last. I'm sure it will. She is patient and kind and deserve a good man.
Until then...
Be hopeful

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