Monday, May 16, 2011

Over a week! Aaacckkkk!!

I seriously don't know how to spell the sound of "I can't believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" as in Aaaaccckkkk!! or Aagghhhhh!!! or Ahhhhhhhhh!!!

Anyway, so much has happened in my life... well, actually everyone's lives that are close to me. And so many things happening around the world that involves people, places that interest me.

Cake by ENVY
First off, I didn't watch The Vampire Diaries Season Finale because I went to work out with a friend. She invited me to this Hip Hop Class. That was a stupid class! Very stupid cause it made me cry!!! Cried because my body was screaming with pain!! Pain because that stupid class gave it to me!!! I wanted to kill the instructor by the end of the class... but I didn't have any more strength or breath left in me to do so!!  But in seriousness, I enjoyed that class very much! I enjoyed it more than Zumba and I LOVE Zumba!! The instructor was too good and kept everyone entertained! But I paid the price for the days that came. My muscles, especially my calves, cried in pain. I couldn't go down the stairs without screaming "I hate you!" to my friend who was nowhere in sight to hear it.

So yes, I didn't get to watch the season finale for TVD. Then the next day, I had to get everything ready for my sister's Baby Shower and my friend's Graduation party on Saturday. I was running around in the hot sun all day! I took a nap around 4:00 PM and got up two hours later to run some more errands and continued with my shopping for the shower and party. I hate shopping with a passion! Even if I had zillions of dollars, I still will not go shopping! I hate it! Hate it! Hate it! Hate it!
Anyway, the party turned out great even though I was tired as heck! The baby cake was done by my sister-in-law, Envy. The booties are made out of fondant!!  It was so detailed it looked like the real thing! She said the top layer slid a little bit back because of the way my brother was driving! HA!
There were food galore at the party and I'm still recovering. I slept a total of four hours on Friday night and seven hours on Saturday night. I got up a little bit after noon on Sunday. It was great! My sister and friend were surprised and that's all that matters!

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