Friday, November 30, 2012

Slowly not feeling it...

My blog that is.  So many things have happened. It would be a book when I am done.  Speaking of done.  I have been writing this book for three years since 2009. Afraid to even publish it.  I don't like what critics have to say and I am very sure they will say a lot.  More towards the negative side.  I'm not a writer but a story teller.  The things I could have done before others went ahead and did it before me. Oh, my luck and laziness gets me nowhere.
Anyway, I still watch "The Vampire Diaries" and now religiously watching "The Walking Dead".  Two of my favorite shows!  I want to win and be a walker for that show once. hahaha...
Nothing is exciting.  Just that I still want to get my breast reduction and get a nose job.  Money, money, money... MONEY!  That I don't have.  Anyway, my life is slowly developing again.  This year has been a very rough one for me. Times I tried to kill myself because I was stupid.  But then what if I do try to kill myself and survive but paralyzed or disabled? I would be the laughing stock.  And if I do die, oh, the gossips that will be going all over town and my parents and family will have to listen to it.  No, I cannot be that selfish.  God can only give me what I can handle... I'm thankful that He gives me second chances all the time.  I should be thankful to my family and friends who's been here and who's also given me the lone time that I want. They've been understanding and kind. Even though they may not like the choices I've made this year, they have respected it.  And I couldn't ask for better friends and family members!!
Well, I'll write more. It's almost one o'clock and I need to lay my head. Got to get up in five hours.

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