Sunday, February 3, 2013

Happy New Year.... In February!

Yes, I know I'm late and not posting as usual, however, once again I want to share the news that I am going on a diet... again.  And in a few months, I'm hoping to get Botox to see if it will do some good with my crows feet.  Of course, my sister said that I will need Botox on my forehead too since it's wrinkly.  Well, damn!  All this time I thought my forehead was looking good for my age.  But as I thought about it, my wallet says, "No, no" to the forehead.
Now back to the diet thing again... In a few days I will post a picture of my glorious whale of a body and post several pictures every week or two or three or four weeks to see if I've made some improvements.  I'm so afraid to fail again.  I'm lazy. I can't help it.  No, I can, but I'm lazy to even help myself from not being lazy. *sigh*
My laziness didn't get me my breast reduction back in 2011 because I couldn't lose the extra ten pounds for the health insurance to pay for it. *sigh*  And sadly, I am now with another health insurance company due to the changes at my work and this new health insurance only laughs at women who are having back problems due to our over-size breasts.  I guess they want us to rack the charges with the orthopedists and neurologists instead.
But I'm praying and hoping really hard that I will finally lose the 25 pounds.  Weight that I've been wanting to lose since college.  I would like to be tone as well.  Maybe losing that weight will shrink my girls?  Most likely not because I lost 15 pounds last time and everything was gone but them.
However, it won't hurt to try and find out.  So 25 pounds, I must lose!  Only me, myself and I can stop it from not happening.
We shall see...

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