Friday, February 16, 2018

Dry Fasting... 72 Hours.

It's been forever! I'm surprised this little blog wasn't shut down.

Anyway, I'll be dry fasting (DF) for 72 hours or 3 days, until Monday, February 19th, at 10:45 PM. If I can bare it, I may go without food and water till the morning. However, I don't think that will be the case.

So my last drink was 47 minutes ago... water. My last meal...  eh, *shameful* 3 ribs, some kale chips, and Breyer's ice cream (no sugar added) butter pecan with whip cream.

They said if you've never Dry Fast before, you should prepare your body one or two weeks in advance; juice for a week or so, then water fast a day or two before you start. Well, I only did 3 days. Juice and boiled eggs. And Jon has been meeting me at least 3 times a day! But tonight, I ate those ribs (see picture).

So it's now 00:57 minutes into my Dry Fasting and I feel pretty good. No headaches or hunger yet. ;)

Anyhow, I'll keep an update of my fasting progress because right now, Jon wants to see me again! Doesn't help I ate hot pepper sauce with the ribs and boiled eggs. Don't ever do that again!

Until then...

71 hours to go...

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