Sunday, February 25, 2018

Post Dry Fasting... Day 6, 7 and 8

Been very tired and busy.

Thursday, February 22, 2018 (Day 6)
  • 01:48 AM - Turned off phone. Good night.
  • 09:15 AM - Need to stop snoozing the phone.
  • 09:25 AM - Met Pete.
  • 09:27 AM - Weighed myself 148.8 pounds ACKK! (67.49 kg)
  • 09:45 AM - Made bullet proof coffee. Used two tablespoon of Stevia. Coffee tasted better. Drank that when I got to the office at 10:25 AM. Had to call the boss that I will be late. Oops! Continued to drink water. Forgot my coconut water!
  • 03:15 PM - Met Pete.
  • 03:20 PM - Ate Quizno's chicken salad with olives, onions, pumpkin seed and cheddar cheese.
  • 04:48 PM - Finished eating and snacking (kale chips, coconut chips, Brazilian nuts).
  • 05:30 PM - Met Jon. He missed me so much he wouldn't stop yapping. 
Total gain since yesterday morning:  2.2 pounds (0.82 kg)

Friday, February 23, 2018 (Day 7)

  • 12:35 AM - Turned off phone. Good night.
  • 05:12 AM - Met Pete
  • 08:55 AM - Alarm went off. 
  • 09:05 AM - Met Pete and Jon. 
  • 09:17 AM - Weighed myself 150.6 pounds (68.31 kg)!!! OMG! 
  • 11:00 AM - Crazy morning! Forgot to bring my thermos from work yesterday so I wasn't able to make bullet proof coffee this morning. Instead, I packed butter, coconut oil, coffee, heavy cream, and stevia to work. I made a mess at my desk trying to shake the coffee. Very stressful morning! 
  • 08:48 PM - Finally was able to eat my one meal a day. Went to my sister's for ribs, kale salad, and baked chicken breast.
Total gain since yesterday morning:  1.8 pounds (0.82 kg)

Saturday, February 24, 2018 (Day 8)
  • 06:15 AM - Turned off phone. Good night. It's Friday!
  • 10:03 AM - Woke up to meet up with Pete. Went back to bed.
  • 07:31 PM - Met Jon. So nice seeing him.
  • 07:48 PM - Weighed myself 149 pounds (67.59 kg). Finally losing!
  • 07:55 PM - Reheated food and eating my OMAD.
  • 08:40 PM - Completed my dinner, 3 ribs, 3 scrambled eggs, avocado, and no sugar butter pecan ice cream.
Total loss since yesterday morning:  1.6 pounds (0.73 kg)

If you want to Dry Fasting for weight loss, do not do it! 😜 I gained all the pounds back. 
Total loss since starting Dry Fasting, Saturday, 02/17/18 - 0.6 pounds (0.27 kg)!  
Total loss since my preparation for Dry Fasting, Wednesday, 02/14/18 - 4.4 pounds (2.00 kg).

I will continue the OMAD plan with low carb meals.

I'm tired. Gonna' relax for a bit before retiring for the night.

Until then...

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Post Dry Fasting... Day 5

Today was another journey indeed.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018
  • 12:45 AM - Turned off light. Good night.
  • 02:32 AM - Had a dream my stomach was in pain. Woke up and it wasn't a dream. Felt like a knife twisting in my abdomen.
  • 02:33 AM - Went to see Jon. He was pretty upset. I was upset having to get up from my sleep to see him! Must've been the Carolina Reaper sauce from Moe's. I ate them with my ribs too. 
  • 02:55 AM - Back to bed.
  • 08:42 AM - Woke up before alarm.πŸ˜’
  • 08:55 AM - Finally getting up.
  • 08:56 AM - Met Pete. Normal.
  • 08:58 AM - Weighed myself 146.6 lbs (66.50 kg)! WHAT!?!? All those times meeting Jon was a complete waste! 😩
  • 09:25 AM - Tried to make Bullet Proof coffee. Kitchen is a mess but I do not have time to clean it up. 
  • 09:34 AM - Drank 4 oz. of water and left the house. Gonna go make my dollar. πŸ’΅
  • 10:17 AM - At my desk, only 17 minutes late. Sorry, BB (Big Boss)! Drank my bullet proof coffee. Nasty as sh--! Gonna' take some time for my taste bud to adjust.
  • 10:30 AM - Drank 4 oz of coconut water and sip on water. Throughout the morning, I continued drinking water, my nasty coffee, and my coconut water. They are making me full. I'm surprised. 😲
  • 12:09 PM - Jon is demanding a mandatory meeting. He is not happy at all! I scare. 😱
  • 12:26 PM - Finished the mandatory meeting with my lifelong boss. Everything I drank is going through me like a strainer. I was very exhausted.
  • 01:15 PM - Drank 16 ounces of water and not feeling well. 😩
  • 01:30 PM - Pete wanted a meeting of his own.
  • 02:07 PM - Do not feel hungry but weak since I haven't ate any solid food all morning.
  • 02:35 PM - Drank more water.
  • 02:50 PM - Pete wants another meeting.
  • 02:56 PM - Weak. Need to eat.
  • 03:15 PM - Went downstairs to get food. Moe's closed. So I stepped to Quizno's. 
  • 03:35 PM - Heated my two ribs in the microwave. Came back to my desk and chowed down on my salad filled with chicken, eggs, olives, bacon, mushrooms, onions, and chipotle dressing. Afterwards, ate two ribs (picture below of the rack I baked). Wanted to start my one meal a day plan today.  
  • 05:30 PM - I chowed down several kale chips, coconut chips all before 5:30 PM. So it's really not OMAD but 22/2 Intermittent Fasting. πŸ˜‹
  • 09:02 PM - Leaving work now. I am worriedly surprised that I have not met Jon yet. I thought the salad and ribs were gonna' go through me like the liquids too.
  • 10:09 PM - Finally home after stopping by Walmart to grab shampoo and floss. 
  • 10:13 PM - I demanded to see Jon but he was not thrill one bit. He did, however, decided to say a few things before I left him alone.

Total gain since yesterday morning:  0.6 pounds (0.27 kg)

Ribs baked slowly at 200 degrees for 4 hours..
Then 350 degrees for 30 minutes
Not happy but better than a pound or two. I'm still not satisfied that Jon didn't really care to see me. I guess the salad and ribs decided to stay put.

I'll see what tomorrow brings.

Until then...

My ribs

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Post Dry Fasting... Day 4

I cut it short yesterday because I was so tired and sleepy from taking my sleeping pill. That was the first time I slept like a log in a long time. I suffer insomnia so it takes me a few hours to fall asleep. And if I wake up to use the bathroom or if I toss and turn on my bed, I will have a hard time falling asleep again. So for the 3 Dry Fasting days, I did not take Unisom sleeping pill until last night. Probably one of the greatest sleep I had in so long. On the weekends, I try not to take the pills, and I'll end up with only four or five hours of sleep. If I'm trying to lose weight, we must need a lot of sleep for the body to grow and repair itself, they say.

Anyway, back to my Post Dry Fasting Day 1.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018
  • 08:55 AM - Alarm goes off. Going back to work. Stretched as much as I could. Felt a slight headache, but it wasn't bothersome.
  • 09:00 AM - Met Pete. A full meeting.
  • 09:12 AM - Weighed myself 146.0 lbs (66.22 kg). 
  • 09:35 AM - After getting dress and ready to leave the house, I drank 4 oz. of water.
  • 11:45 AM - Got my 20 oz. coffee with half-n-half and 5 packs of Splenda. Ordered Allulose from Amazon the other day so I'll be using it as sugar substitute instead of Splenda or Stevia. I don't like the aftertaste of Stevia. Found out Allulose doesn't raise sugar level from this YouTube video at 4:19 Low Carb Sweeteners
  • 11:50 AM - Ate lunch from Moe's. A no-shell taco with ground beef, jalapenos, onions, cheese, sour cream, lettuce, olives, cilantro, and Carolina Reaper sauce. Also had a boiled egg. Ate two tortilla chips. Threw the other away. The taco was very satisfying. Felt better by now with no headaches.
  • 01:41 PM - Met Jon. What I ate for lunch came out. πŸ˜’ And it wasn't a solid meeting either, if you know what I mean. But I was very glad to see him though.
  • 05:15 PM - Snacked on coconut chips.
  • 05:45 PM - Had dinner. 3 spare ribs. Tried to eat very slow cause I made a commitment to never eat like Cookie Monster again.  I was going to eat the 4th spare ribs, but my stomach was about to explode. I was so full. I decided to leave the last rib for tomorrow. Drank ginger lemon tea.
  • 07:11 PM - Met Jon again. This time it was a solid meeting. Seems the ribs didn't want to stay in my system either.

Total gain since last night:  1.8 pounds (0.82 kg).

I feel really good right now. It looks as though everything I ate just went through me. If that will help with my weight loss and I also get to eat whatever I want, I'm all for it! 

Sunday night, Day 2 of my Dry Fasting, I hadn't brush my teeth with water. I found plaque buildup on the lower front teeth. It was surprising to see how quickly it formed when you don't brush your teeth for a couple of days, even though you haven't eaten anything either. I used my dental tooth pick to remove the plaque. Couldn't go to sleep with that mess.

I know I will gain back some weight but I hope it won't be a lot. I'm still trying to eat a low carb diet. I'm slowly trying to go on the One Meal A Day (OMAD) plan. Only because I want to be able to eat desserts. I love cake and ice cream and cookies and brownies and even food that has sugar. 😁 

I went to Trader Joe's to get a few stuff to make Bullet Proof Coffee so I can skip lunch. I'll try to have dinner between 3 and 7 o'clock for the OMAD plan. I'll see when I'll start this plan.

Anyway, that's all for today.

Until then... 

I'm thankful.

Dry Fasting... Day 3 Completed!

I made it through another 24 hours with no food or water! 
Below is my schedule and routine/habits, etc.
Last night's weight - 146.6 (66.50 kg) 

Monday, February 19, 2018
  • 01:47 AM - Weak and tired.
  • 01:48 AM - Met Pete. Only 1/4.
  • 01:50 AM - Turning off lights. In bed.
  • 02:05 AM - Noticed my back doesn't hurt when I lay flat on the bed.
  • 06:29 AM - Met Jon after over 48 hours. He was kind to me. 
  • 06:38 AM - Weighed myself 146.0 lbs (66.22 kg).
  • 06:40 AM - Back to the bed.
  • 01:31 PM - Woke up again. Only six hours while in bed for 11 hours. Felt like a headache coming.
  • 01:45 PM - Weighed myself 145.8 lbs (66.13 kg).
  • 04:50 PM - Just six more hours.
  • 06:59 PM - Pete. Just 1/2.
  • 07.00 PM - Weighed myself. 144.6 lbs (65.59 kg).
  • 07:39 PM - Put ribs in the oven. Will be eating a rib or two after I take my medication.
  • 09:32 PM - Just one more hour and 13 minutes. I. CAN. DO. THIS!!
  • 10:40 PM - Just five more minutes!
  • 10:41 PM - Getting my drinks ready... water, coconut water and watermelon juice. And suddenly my stomach is growling!
  • 10:45 PM - I made it!!
  • 10:46 PM - Weighed myself. 144.2 lbs (65.41 kg).
  • 10:48 PM - Water never tasted so good. Never knew how delicious it is. Took my medication for my thyroid.
  • 11:23 PM - Ate a boiled egg.
  • 11:41 PM - Slowly ate two ribs and a boiled egg. 
  • 11:53 PM - Ate Breyer's no sugar butter pecan ice cream.
  • 12:10 PM - After my drinks and ribs, Jon threw them out. Yep, met him. My stomach doesn't hurt, and my head feels fine however. 
  • 12:15 PM - Flossing and brushing my teeth. Rinsed it with cold water and was surprised my sensitive teeth didn't feel any pain. 😁 But how long will it last now that I'm off Dry Fasting?
  • 12:22 PM - Taking a shower. Oh, how I miss you, Shower! You are so good to me!
  • 01:15 PM - After my shower, changing my bed with new sheets and pillow cases, I am ready to retire for the night.
Total lost today:  2.4 pounds (1.36 kg).
Total lost 3 days: 8 pounds (3.63 kg).
Total lost since Wednesday when I prepared my body for Dry Fasting: 9.2 pounds (4.17 kg).

I feel good right now. No headaches, no weakness only ready to go to sleep. Will get up in 7 hours. I will discuss more about my DF experience. For now, I'm really tired and need sleep.

Until then...

It's over!

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Dry Fasting... Day 2 Completed! 24 hours to go!

I made it through another 24 hours with no food or water! 
Below is my schedule and routine/habits, etc.
Last night's weight - 149.6 (67.86 kg). 

Sunday, February 18, 2018
  • 01:19 AM - Stomach growling
  • 02:07 AM - Met Pete. Only 1/2 of my usual meeting.
  • 02:21 AM - Stomach growling louder than ever before and making weird sounds too.
  • 04:20 AM - Met Pete. 1/4.
  • 04:23 AM - Turning off lights... shutting my eye.
  • 10:23 AM - Woke up earlier than planned. 😫
  • 11:41 AM - Met Pete. 1/2. Getting more darker.
  • 11:44 AM - Weighed myself. 148.2 (67.22 kg)
  • 11:50 AM - Came back to bed. Surfing the net.
  • 04:18 PM - Met Pete. 3/4. Darker now.
  • 04:20 PM - Weighed myself. 147.2 (66.77 kg). Stomach growling but don't feel hungry.
  • 05:15 PM - Back to sleep so I won't think about food.
  • 06:11 PM - Nope. Never fell asleep. Kept thinking about the food I want to eat when I'm done with this DF.
  • 08:24 PM - Put up my laundry and was very exhausted from it. Need to meditate and lie down.
  • 09:00 PM - Met Pete. 1/4. No longer dark.
  • 09:03 PM - Weighed myself. 146.8 (66.59 kg)
  • 10:43 PM - Two more minutes!! Feel hungry, but stomach hasn't growled in six hours.
  • 10:45 PM - I've now dry fasted for 48 hours! So proud of myself but weak to get excited.
  • 11:15 PM - Met Pete. 1/4. Light in color.
  • 11:17 PM - Weighed myself. 146.6 (66.50 kg). 

Total lost today:  3 pounds (1.36 kg).
Today, I felt much weaker. I didn't want to do anything strenuous, like putting up my laundry in the closet. It's not strenuous but my body told me it was. After the laundry, I laid down and felt better. Again, I'm watching YouTube and all the delicious food I could be eating. I'm now thinking about my bottle of coconut water in the fridge that I will drink at 10:45 PM tomorrow night! Thinking about it makes me so giggling inside. 😁

I'll stay up a little bit longer to watch more food videos. But two days down and one more to go!

Until then...

23 hours and 13 minutes left

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Dry Fasting... Day 1 Completed! 48 hours to go!

I made it! 24 hours with no food or water, except washing my hands when I used the bathroom or touched anything I felt was not hygienic. πŸ˜€
Below is my schedule and routine/habits, etc.
Last night's weight 152.2 pounds (69.04 kg) before going to bed.

Saturday, February 17, 2018
  • 04:00 AM - Slept sometime after that. I'm a nocturnal monster.
  • 11:47 AM - Met Pete, but went back to bed. Though I didn't sleep.
  • 02:48 PM - Still in bed on my phone. Surfing the net. My teeth feels weird not being brushed when I woke up. Do not feel hungry at all.
  • 03:18 PM - Up now and my stomach is hungry. Maybe not but feel that I should be.
  • 03:22 PM - Met Pete again... Pete is a name I use for urine break. Jon is bowel movement break. 😏
  • 03:25 PM - Weighed myself... 149.6 lbs (67.86 kg)! Down 2.6 pounds from last night.
  • 03:47 PM - Finished 12 minutes of arm workout How To Lose Arm Fat. I felt jittery afterwards. Do not attempt to workout when you are Dry Fasting, especially a newbie. I thought I could get my workout in because it's only Day 1, but it still took its toll. 
  • 03:50 PM - Watching "The Cloverfield Paradox" on Netflix to keep my mind off hunger.
  • 03:55 PM - That didn't last long. My stomach is growling. Want to sip on water. Not use to not having a drink when I wake up. Put on Chapstick (medicated) so my lips will not be dry, and perhaps, thirst won't be lingering around.
  • 05:03 PM - I feel hungry even though my stomach isn't growling.
  • 05:27 PM - Trying not to think of food while finishing the movie. Not helping.
  • 05:36 PM - Just 5 more hours and it'll be 24 hours of dry fasting. Just... five... more... hours...
  • 06:52 PM - Only 4 hours.
  • 07:01 PM - Stomach is growling again for food. And realized I haven't met Pete since 3:22. Went to see him. He was kind and normal but have not seen Jon since 11:50 PM last night. And I usually see him at least once a day, if not twice.
  • 07:12 PM - Thinking if I should go back to sleep.... but I didn't. The rest of the evening, I continued watching YouTube... of food. Pizza, ice cream... 😩 Torturing myself slowly.
  • 10:11 PM - I noticed my stomach wasn't growling anymore. Not sure when it stopped. Probably so tired from growling it quit.
  • 10:45 PM - 24 hours of Dry Fasting completed for Day 1! 
  • 10:57 PM - Met Pete. Color is darker and the odor is more noticeable. 
  • 10:59 PM - Weighed myself. 149.6 (67.86 kg). 
Total lost today:  2.6 pounds (1.18 kg).
So far, I feel fine. I was hungry earlier but feeling better now. The only downside to this is not showering. I'm one who showers daily, every night. So it's tough! But to be honest, I have been wiping my ass with wipes after using the bathroom. I can't keep the stank down there every night, especially 3 days?!? 😝 Can't. Just can't. Anyway, I will stay up a little bit longer and then head to bed. One day down, two more to go!

Until then...

47 hours and 13 minutes to go.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Dry Fasting... 72 Hours.

It's been forever! I'm surprised this little blog wasn't shut down.

Anyway, I'll be dry fasting (DF) for 72 hours or 3 days, until Monday, February 19th, at 10:45 PM. If I can bare it, I may go without food and water till the morning. However, I don't think that will be the case.

So my last drink was 47 minutes ago... water. My last meal...  eh, *shameful* 3 ribs, some kale chips, and Breyer's ice cream (no sugar added) butter pecan with whip cream.

They said if you've never Dry Fast before, you should prepare your body one or two weeks in advance; juice for a week or so, then water fast a day or two before you start. Well, I only did 3 days. Juice and boiled eggs. And Jon has been meeting me at least 3 times a day! But tonight, I ate those ribs (see picture).

So it's now 00:57 minutes into my Dry Fasting and I feel pretty good. No headaches or hunger yet. ;)

Anyhow, I'll keep an update of my fasting progress because right now, Jon wants to see me again! Doesn't help I ate hot pepper sauce with the ribs and boiled eggs. Don't ever do that again!

Until then...

71 hours to go...

Saturday, April 25, 2015


So much has happened.  First of all, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt got married. Prince William and his wife, Catherine, has a son, George, and expecting another a new baby any day now.  I stopped watching "The Vampire Diaries" because I'm still waiting for the foxes and they haven't came. I stopped watching "The Walking Dead" because I cut my cable so I wasn't able to watch it.  I have to wait until it's on Netflix.  But I'm into the show "Revenge". I binged on "Revenge" on Netflix one weekend and was hooked!  I've been watching "House of Cards", "Longmire" and "Lilyhammer". My favorite shows on Netflix!!

Update on my Rogaine use...  I stopped using it after four months because I wasn't seeing any changes and I stopped taking Metformin, which caused me to shed so much hair! I've also stopped taking B12, but still taking Biotin, 10mg however.

Oh, and I finally got my breast reduction done a year and a half ago on September 11th, 2013.  My scars are very bad right now that's the only disappointment I have with the surgery.  Other than that, I love my new smaller breasts!  I went from a size DDD to a D. We were aiming at a B, but my doctor was convinced I was not going to be happy with a B. So it's between a C and a D. Also, before my surgery, my left breast was much bigger than my right about 1 inch. Now my right is bigger by 1/4 of an inch. It's a risk we take because surgeons are not perfect.  They can enhance and make things better but not going to fix everything perfectly...  Regardless, I'm very happy with the outcome!  Love Love Love my new girls!!

I'll do more updates again. Until then... that's all I have for now.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Rogaine... Day 80.

It's been about 80 days of using Rogaine religiously, a little bit over two months.  I went from using the Women's brand to the Men's foam.  I've gone through five of the bottles within two and a half months.  Only because my whole scalp is balding and I needed to make sure it covers majority of the top of my head and crown.
As of right now, it looks like I still have thinning hair and not much has grown.  Though I noticed my hair are not falling as much as they use to.
Besides using Rogaine, I'm also taking 5000 mg of Biotin and B12.  I've also cut my hair much shorter so when I do style my hair (blow dryer, flat ironing, brushing) there won't be a lot of hair falling off.  Yes, I've also gotten blonde highlights.
I'm hoping in the next four months, my hair strands will be thicker or my scalp would just have more hair than before.  I'm tired of having thinning hair.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Sorry.... Been sick.

I was sick a week and a half ago for about a week and a half so I wasn't able to do much of anything. I hadn't taken any pictures of my latest Rogaine progress.  Since I've been sick, I was just too tired to put it on.  I will however update within a few weeks or a month from now.  I've been taking B12 as well as Biotin vitamins to help with my hair growth.
Next week, I'll be getting my hair cut, possibly, some highlights too so I don't know if that will change how my hair will look of my progress.  We shall see in a few weeks then...

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Angelina Jolie a Demon?

Yes, from the words of Chelsea Handler! Hahahaha... Chelsea use to be funny until she starts talking crap about other women and Angelina Jolie.  I no longer find her funny or humorous. Her last attempt to be relevant is by calling Angelina a demon.  A demon?  Little Loose Chelsea, do you know what a demon is?  Look in the mirror and you shall see.  At least, Angelina doesn't go yapping her mouth talking trash about other people so she can look better.  Seriously, if you are supportive of other women as you claim to be, you wouldn't be talking crap about other women.  Can you move on and stop holding a grudge at someone you don't even know personally?  Because Jennifer Aniston has.  You're not only sad but really disgustingly pathetic to talk about Angelina Jolie to stay relevant in the media. But then again, Chelsea is probably pissed at Angelina Jolie because she never wanted to come on her stupid show. Chelsea is no saint cause she slept her way through men to get herself a show on E.  Now that is pathetic.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt Miraval Rose Wine 2012

Angelina and Brad's Miraval Rose Wine 2012 sold 6,000 bottles in five hours today.  I'm happy for them and their new business of wine making!  I surely would love to get a bottle!  I'm wondering when the public can get a bottle from their neighboring wine store?
Read more about their exciting news here at ABC News or

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Pregnant Kate Middleton

Photo from
Kate Middleton stepped out earlier today and she looked like a radiant mother-to-be!  Her baby bump isn't showing as much but it's still noticeable.  It would be ecstatic if she had a daughter first.

Please click on the link here at to read more of this picture.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt in the Wine Business

I'm excited about this news.  I'm not a wine drinker but I would like to taste this wine that Angelina and Brad have both been working on for the past year.  Next month, their first Miraval wine bottles will be on the market in the United States.
Angelina and Brad bought the French estate back in 2011 which holds about 148 acres of grapes for their wine business.  For their first bottles, Angelina and Brad helped harvest the 2012 crop in order for it to be ready for this year's sells.  Their second bottles of white wine will later be sold sometimes this year and then the red will be distributed after.
I'm excited for their new passion and excited that Brad is also into designing new furniture.  It seems this couple never stops reinventing themselves and that is why they may never go broke.  Ideas! Ideas! Ideas!

Rogaine. Day 14.

I was supposed to do this weekly update but I've been busy and lazy so I couldn't.  However, today is Day 14 or two weeks of using the Women's Rogaine and I have not seen any significant changes which is how it should be except a few flakes of dandruff.  NOT a lot but a few as you can see from my picture on the right.
I'm still trying to get use to putting this on my head every morning and every night.  And I'm really confuse as to how much I should use. It says 1.5 ml, but that doesn't cover my head at all so I've been using about 5 1.5 ml all over my head. I just don't want one spot to grow back hair.  I want my full head especially the top of my head to regrow hair.
I ordered 3 bottles and now only have one left.  I left one bottle in the cold, outside, for a week and when I finally found it, I used it and it smelled like rubbing alcohol. I discarded it right away but not after leaving it on my head for the whole night. Shame on me. It looks like I may have to get another order, but this time, I'm going to order the men's since I read online from several websites that women can also use Men's Rogaine.  It actually is stronger and will help the growth faster.  We shall see.  I will update it whenever I get the chance or remember.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Finally Got It From the Mail!

I ordered three months' supply of Rogaine from and it's finally here today along with other vitamins like B12, Biotin and Gummy Vitamins!  I don't remember talking about my hair loss on my blog... but as long as I could remember, I have had thinning hair since my early 20s. I blame Aquanet for my teenage days. LOL.  However, my real problem was probably because of my thyroid.  I have hypothyroidism.  I should have taken care of myself during my youth but I thought the hair loss was just genetics and just me.  But there could be all other factors too.  Of course, my dermatologist said it is hereditary and that there is no cure for my hair loss.  Please prove her wrong, Rogaine!! tehehe

I have a three month supply so I will use it for three months to see if it will help.  I will post weekly or perhaps each month, of the progress.  I know they say that if you stop using Rogaine, your hair will stop growing or become thin again, so if it does work, I will be paying $45.00 every quarter for the rest of my life.  Hopefully, the economy won't go up more than a few dollars. I just hope it doesn't make my hair gray.

Well, this is close to the last resort that I will try to bring back my hair.  Please cross fingers.

11:12 PM EST Update:
So tonight was the first night for me to try the Rogaine for Women.  I just got done applying 1 ML of it on my balding head and rubbing it in with my fingers.  It says "Unscented" but I can still smell it.  It is not over powering at all.  However, I had to wash my hands several times to get rid of the smell on my hand.
After applying it and using my hands to massage it around my scalp, my hair feels as though I've put styling mousse on it.  But after brushing and blow drying my hair, it doesn't look so bad though you can tell that I've got some kind of hair product in my hair.  And I just read on that I was supposed to let it dry before styling my hair.  There I go, not reading instructions or getting insight from other websites before applying it to my own scalp.  So it looks like I'll be applying more drops to my head as the box's instructions is not as clear as Live Strong's website.
Okay, I be bock...

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Happy New Year.... In February!

Yes, I know I'm late and not posting as usual, however, once again I want to share the news that I am going on a diet... again.  And in a few months, I'm hoping to get Botox to see if it will do some good with my crows feet.  Of course, my sister said that I will need Botox on my forehead too since it's wrinkly.  Well, damn!  All this time I thought my forehead was looking good for my age.  But as I thought about it, my wallet says, "No, no" to the forehead.
Now back to the diet thing again... In a few days I will post a picture of my glorious whale of a body and post several pictures every week or two or three or four weeks to see if I've made some improvements.  I'm so afraid to fail again.  I'm lazy. I can't help it.  No, I can, but I'm lazy to even help myself from not being lazy. *sigh*
My laziness didn't get me my breast reduction back in 2011 because I couldn't lose the extra ten pounds for the health insurance to pay for it. *sigh*  And sadly, I am now with another health insurance company due to the changes at my work and this new health insurance only laughs at women who are having back problems due to our over-size breasts.  I guess they want us to rack the charges with the orthopedists and neurologists instead.
But I'm praying and hoping really hard that I will finally lose the 25 pounds.  Weight that I've been wanting to lose since college.  I would like to be tone as well.  Maybe losing that weight will shrink my girls?  Most likely not because I lost 15 pounds last time and everything was gone but them.
However, it won't hurt to try and find out.  So 25 pounds, I must lose!  Only me, myself and I can stop it from not happening.
We shall see...

Friday, November 30, 2012

Slowly not feeling it...

My blog that is.  So many things have happened. It would be a book when I am done.  Speaking of done.  I have been writing this book for three years since 2009. Afraid to even publish it.  I don't like what critics have to say and I am very sure they will say a lot.  More towards the negative side.  I'm not a writer but a story teller.  The things I could have done before others went ahead and did it before me. Oh, my luck and laziness gets me nowhere.
Anyway, I still watch "The Vampire Diaries" and now religiously watching "The Walking Dead".  Two of my favorite shows!  I want to win and be a walker for that show once. hahaha...
Nothing is exciting.  Just that I still want to get my breast reduction and get a nose job.  Money, money, money... MONEY!  That I don't have.  Anyway, my life is slowly developing again.  This year has been a very rough one for me. Times I tried to kill myself because I was stupid.  But then what if I do try to kill myself and survive but paralyzed or disabled? I would be the laughing stock.  And if I do die, oh, the gossips that will be going all over town and my parents and family will have to listen to it.  No, I cannot be that selfish.  God can only give me what I can handle... I'm thankful that He gives me second chances all the time.  I should be thankful to my family and friends who's been here and who's also given me the lone time that I want. They've been understanding and kind. Even though they may not like the choices I've made this year, they have respected it.  And I couldn't ask for better friends and family members!!
Well, I'll write more. It's almost one o'clock and I need to lay my head. Got to get up in five hours.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Non-Surgical Nose Surgery

I've been very interested in the new procedure "Non Surgical Nose Job" that was introduced seven years ago by Dr. Andrew Tuan-Anh Le from Australia.  The reason I'm more interested in going this route is because I'm terrified of placing a plastic stick between the bone and skin of my nose.  I believed it had to do with that one Chinese movie I watched fifteen years ago about plastic surgery.  It was a movie about an ugly duckling, who becomes beautiful after plastic surgeries.  In one scene, she got into a car accident and the plastic placed on her bridge slit out of her nose.  Ouch!  Yeah.  It killed it for me.  But now with this new nose procedure, no plastic will be going up the nose. 

I do NOT have the most attractive, straight, nice full bridge of a nose. It's quite embarrassing that I don't even want to put up my picture to show anyone.

Right now, I'm reading more into this new procedure and see if there is a local doctor that can perform the procedure.  But no luck so far.  That means, I would have to go into the larger cities like Philadelphia, New York, Los Angeles, etc. It may not be wide spread yet or perhaps, local plastic surgeons have not learned to practice this new procedure.

To view Before and After photos, click on this link Chatswood Cosmetic Surgery is a great website to view some of the works that have been done. It takes about fifteen minutes to do and last  up to 12 - 18 months.

Best patients for this type of procedures are Asians who lack a nose bridge or a nice tip but also for anyone who wants to reshape their nose without shaving any bones or cartilage.
I'm thinking now I may have to get it done in Thailand. The price is half the cost of what is priced here in the states. I might as well go and vacation at the same time too. Hmmm... Looks like Thailand will be marked off on my Bucket List soon then.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Angelina and Brad: ENGAGED!!!

I'm so thrilled to have read the news this morning!  Now I'm sure all Angelina and Brad fans would like to know HOW HE PROPOSED!  I'm sure that will come later when they promote their movies, foundation, etc. and are asked.  Below is the story from the website The Hollywood Reporter!
Who is Robert Procop? He's about to be a household name, we predict.
The Beverly Hills jeweler and former CEO of Asprey & Garrard, the British jewelry company to the English royal family, confirms to The Hollywood Reporter that he has designed an engagement ring forAngelina Jolie. A rep for the jeweler says, "I can confirm that, yes, Robert Procop did indeed design an engagement ring for Angelina Jolie, designed in collaboration with Brad Pitt."
On Friday afternoon, Pitt's manager, Cynthia Pett-Dante, told THR: "Yes, it's confirmed. It is a promise for the future and their kids are very happy. There's no date set at this time. Brad designed the ring."
Jolie was seen wearing the ring two nights ago, April 11, at a private viewing of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art's Chinese Galleries. She attended the small gathering with Pitt as well as their son Pax.
Procop tells THR: "Brad had a specific vision for this ring, which he realized over a yearlong collaboration. He wanted every aspect of  it to be perfect, so I was able to locate a diamond of the finest quality and cut it to an exact custom size and shape to suite Angelina's hand. Brad was always heavily involved, overseeing every aspect of the creative design evolution. The side diamonds are specially cut to encircle her finger. Each diamond is of the highest gem quality."
It makes sense that Procop was the designer who created the ring with Pitt. Procop's "The Style of Jolie" jewelry collection on his website was designed with the star, and she's worn a multitude of his pieces on the red carpet, including to this year's Producers Guild Awards. The first funds from Procop's collaboration with Jolie have been dedicated to the Education Partnership for Children in Conflict to build a school in Afghanistan. Procop also created pieces of jewelry for Jolie for The Tourist.  
Procop's had one very good week: When Robert Downey Jr. and his wife Susan stepped out for the L.A. premiere of The Avengers for the first time since the Feb. 7 birth of their son, Downey told the press he and his wife were wearing amethyst jewelry from Procop in honor of their son's birthstone. Downey also wore a purple Gucci suit, and the couple joked that they were bringing a little bit of their new son Exton with them.
News of the engagement should come as no surprise to readers of The Hollywood Reporter. In January, Pitt told THR that he and Jolie did hope to one day tie the knot for the sake of their children.
“We’d actually like to,” he said of making Jolie his wife, “and it seems to mean more and more to our kids. We made this declaration some time ago that we weren’t going to do it till everyone can. But I don’t think we’ll be able to hold out. It means so much to my kids, and they ask a lot. And it means something to me, too, to make that kind of commitment.”
At the time, Pitt declined to comment on whether he had proposed yet. “I’m not going to go any further,” he said, “But to be in love with someone and be raising a family with someone and want to make that commitment and not be able to is ludicrous, just ludicrous.”

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

New Year, New Diet.... AGAIN!

I'm back on that wagon again. Don't know how well I'm going to do this time and I am not going to make anymore promises.  All I know is that I've joined Fitness Pal and have a few friends to join. Hopefully, that will motivate us to get in shape and lose some weight.  My coworkers are also on the bandwagon so more motivation?  We even have a little chart of how far we're moving along with our weight loss.
Well, I've started off with 159.4 January 9th 2012.  As of this morning, January 25th, I'm 154.4.  I was 151.00 on Sunday but came to the realization that my sister's weight scale is off by at least two pounds, maybe three. So I'm not going to trust any other scale but mine. Though mine is a lot older than my sister so perhaps, her's is more accurate?  Either way, I haven't lost that much. Five pounds in three weeks! That is so weak!
Must. Go. Harder. For. Body. Like. Nicole.
I'll see how well I do come Monday, January 30th.  We track our weight every week at work. However, I like to weigh myself each morning to see how hard I need to try for the day.
And also, I've joined a gym about a year ago.... And that's all I'm going to say about it.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie May After All Get Married?

Just read on my favorite celebrity website that Brad is considering marrying Angelina. This would be awesome news!! They've been together long enough and have six children that they should just go ahead and take the next step.
I hope their kids will urge Angelina to wear a wedding gown and have a real wedding ceremony with reception too.  It doesn't have to be huge with five hundred guests or so but it can be small and intimate with their close friends and family.  Her three girls can be flower girls.  I think she should since her first two marriages were in Las Vegas and it wasn't as romantic and meaningful.  So go, Angelina, get married and finally wear a beautiful simple wedding dress!!!

To read even further of his interview, check it out here at The Hollywood Reporter.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

M.I.A. and The Big Bang Theory

I've been missing in action for so long. I haven't been busy. Just lazy! I'm starting on my exercise again! "The Vampire Diaries" is on their winter hiatus until January. I'm now religiously watching "The Walking Dead" as well.  However, they are also on a mid-season break and won't be coming back on until February 12, 2012!  It's going to be a long while.
Their show is culturally diverse especially with food!!
And also, in the past month, I have been watching "The Big Bang Theory".  For that past month, I've been watching that show online and had caught up on all FIVE seasons!  It is one of the funniest sitcom ever!!
If I laugh out loud then it is a very very good show!  And to me, it's been the ONLY sitcom that I actually laugh out loud and throw my head back!  It is that hilarious to me!  I love all the characters on the show especially Sheldon.

In one episode where they had to dress up as
female super heroes because of a game they'd lost.
From Wikipedia about The Big Bang Theory:
Set in Pasadena, California, the show is centered on five characters: two roommate geniuses who work at the California Institute of Technology, experimental physicist Leonard Hofstadter and theoretical physicist, Sheldon Cooper; their neighbor across the hall Penny, a blonde waitress and aspiring actress.
Leonard and Sheldon have equally geeky and socially awkward co-workers and friends Howard Wolowitz, an aerospace engineer and a non-PhD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and Rajesh Koothrappali, an astrophysicist also working at Caltech. The geekiness and intellect of the four guys is contrasted for comic effect with Penny's social skills and common sense.
I will be coming back more often now and blog more about my new diet that I just started on Monday which didn't really go as planned. 

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Vampire Diaries: Season 3

I'm excited for season three of The Vampire Diaries which the season premiere will air September 15th at 8:00 EST.  "The Birthday" episode will be an interesting opener! I know the writers, Kevin Williams and Julie Plec, will not disappoint any TVD fans!
The Vampire Diaries also won five Teen Choice Awards this year! They won for Best TV Fantasy/Sci-Fi show.
Ian Somerholder (Damon) won for Best Fantasy/Sci-Fi Actor. Nina Dobrev (Elena) won opposite of Ian for Best Fantasy/Sci-Fi Actress.
Katerina Graham (Bonnie) won for Best TV Female Scene Stealer while the hot Michael Trevino (Tyler) won for Best Male TV Scene Stealer!
Congratulations to all of the winners of TVD!

I've been M.I.A.! So much has been going on!

I've been slacking off because I finally joined Facebook! HA! So I've been busy liking people and commenting on friends and families' posts and messages!
My favorite celebrity couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are still traveling around the world.  Just on Friday, Angelina met up with the President of Croatia, Ivo Josipvic, to discuss the land mine problems that still remains since the war in 1990.  She brought along her son Maddox to Croatia during this trip and the next day, they both jetted off again.
On Tuesday, August 16th, Brad, Angelina and all six of their children chartered a train with the rest of the film crew of WWZ from London to Glasgow, Scotland where part of the city will turn into Philadelphia for the filming of WWZ. To read more of Angelina and Brad, I always go to my favorite celebrity site,!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in Malta

Photo courtesy of WENN, INF Daily
It's great reading about Brad and Angelina being together while Brad shoots his zombie movie in Malta. While Brad is working Angelina has taken their kids to the bowling alley and sometimes, each one of their kids get to hang out with their dad on the movie set. You can read more about the bowling outing today at my favorite celebrity website,
The picture of Angelina carrying Knox and Vivienne is too cute! Knox look like he's upset and probably wants something.  Vivienne is always safest and happiest being held by her mom.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Nick Lachey and Vanessa Minnillo

Nick Lachey and Vanessa Minnillo will be getting married any day now. Their wedding will be aired on TLC in the coming weeks after their wedding. TLC has been following them around since they agreed to televised their wedding. I'm excited about this news and will definitely be watching!
Nick celebrated his bachelor party in Las Vegas over the July 4th weekend at Tao.  I love the cake with chains and ball with the message "Property of Vanessa" on it. I need to find out who made the cake!
Also today, while googling, Nick has put his bachelor pad on the market! He put it on the market last year but after several offers he took it off.  Not sure why. However, since he and Vanessa are getting married this year, his pad is back on the market.
I just can't believe how beautiful his place is! If I was a millionaire, I would definitely buy it and move out to Los Angeles. His home is a perfect modern day home. When he purchased this from Heidi Klum and Seal back in 2006, after his split from his ex-wife, he renovated the pool and patio! It's beautiful! It doesn't even look like a 1960's home. It looks 2011. I'm pretty sure there will be a lot of potential buyers soon because his home is only surrounded by a couple of homes and is at the end of the road which gives the new home owners a lot of privacy!
I'm excited for Nick and Vanessa! They both deserve one another!!  I can't wait to see their wedding on TLC.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

In Eight Hours, driving down to Daytona Beach!

Then heading down to Orlando. I'm dreading the drive! Argh! Need a real vacation to Hawaii or Bora Bora!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Driving down to Daytona Beach & Orlando

This is going to be quite interesting. Riding in a car with four females. I'll be driving. I hope there isn't any backseat drivers UNLESS there's a car coming out of left field. =0)
We are going down there for a friend's conference. The three of us are just going down there to be going down there. We will be hitting Daytona Beach the first night before we make our way to Orlando for the conference.
I've been doing laundry all day to make sure I have clean clothes down there. Also washed my car and cleaned the inside. Vacuuming it. Did it at 10:00 at night because it was just too damn hot during the day.
Tomorrow, I have to FINISH packing! Then Tuesday, get up, go to work. Come back at noon and sleep till 8:00 when two of my girlfriends get here. One of my friends is driving from an hour away and just being off work so she is going to take a shower and freshen up at my place. Once she's done, we will drive down to the pick the fourth friend.
After that, it will be a eight hour drive to Daytona Beach. I hope we get there before 6:00 AM. I would love to see the sunrise. Then after that, we can break our fast and then lay on the beach until it's time for us to check in.
I guess I'm kind of excited. Though I rather be gone for a week or two and in Hawaii, Florida will do for now. I'm still waiting for my Hawaiian trip. And one day, Bora Bora!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Brad Pitt: World War Z

Source: Mark Cassar
Brad Pitt is in Valletta, Malta, shooting scenes for his upcoming movie World War Z. He was on set to film scenes with two zombies, a dozen soldiers and extras running and screaming all over the place as per my favorite celebrity site Just Jared.
After reading what World War Z was about, I'm now anxious to see this movie!!! I love horror movies and zombie movies! This movie involves people all around the world. A virus that started in China and spreads ultimately all over the world leaving only a few places that are still habitable. After ten years, Brad's character, Max Brooks, scours the world gathering stories of the survivors. This movie is set to open in 2012! That is a long wait! But that's how these movies take! A year or so after they started shooting! Can't wait to see this!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Angelina Jolie and her Louis Vuitton

First look of Angelina Jolie modeling a Louis Vuitton bag for the French luxury brand "Core Values" campaign. The ad was photographed by Annie Leibovitz in Siem Reap Province, Cambodia, and will be featured in the International Herald Tribune coming out on Wednesday!
The monogrammed Alto bag is actually hers!  It is no longer in production but LV's Executive Vice Present, Pietro Becarri, said they "may" consider re-editing it.
I do love that bag! However, I can't afford something that expensive. Though if I have the money, I certainly will buy one!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Happy Be-lated Birthday to Angelina Jolie

I worked out so hard yesterday that I forgot it was Angelina Jolie's birthday! The green-eye beauty turned 36 this year! She had done so much approving and building her life to help others!
She still looks gorgeous as ever. I wonder what Brad had in plan for Angelina? It will come out soon in the papers and online so I'll read it then. I wish for Angelina to have more coming years of birthdays to celebrate!

A little exercise

I did some some exercises today. I went to a different Planet Fitness in my little town and was impressed with the ladies locker room and the faucet. I would love to have this kind of faucet in my bathroom.
But enough about that, I am still fat and I hate myself. 159. WTF? I ate a Hardee's low carb Bacon Cheeseburger and was so disappointed in it. For 4.19, it should had more meat or lettuce or bacon. I'm so mad.
I messed up my back again Friday. I couldn't sit still. I had to do so much cleaning and chores around the house. When I was done, the pain finally kicked in and screw me over! I quickly took  my pain killers and muscle relaxer to ease the pain.
I didn't eat an appealing dinner tonight either. Fried eggs, celery sticks with peanut butter and jalapeΓ±o peppers. I'm sick thinking about that nasty dinner.
4.19 Hardee's Bacon Cheeseburger
I'm sure tired from my medication, I think I am going to crash early tonight. Need my sleep.